Good Brick

This weekend was my 2nd brick as building up to 2011. A brick is a bike-run. Physically 1 of the more challenging parts of a triathlon. To run after getting off the bike is “toooghh” . And plus for most of us (ok maybe just me) , it is also a mental challenge.You get off your bike and then to run hard got to build that mental 6pack.

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Janus Charity Challenge

So WTC (the trademark owners of IM — ironman) , yes the big and bad corporation which holds all the ironman races, has decided to cancel the collaboration they had with Janus to create the Janus charity challenge. For a lot of triathletes who use the sport to raise money for their charity this is a huge blow. Apparently according to the rumor-mill , WTC has a separate sponsor for a charity program that they will announce later. I was planning to do a the charity challenge for my next IM race in lake placid. So now I have to wait to see what WTC brings to the table.

No Swim

I haven’t swum since august. Surprising ? Well it just mean I was busy with other things . And plus I was lazy . How many times can you motivate yourself to wakeup at 5:30 on a weekday to go to the pool ? Especially when it is cold and wet outside. Maybe I should have gone for a walk , with all the rain CT was getting I would be able to call it a swim.

So after starting OS training , I figure I should take it upon myself to add swimming. Hmmm. Darn that 3rd sport is always problematic. Goal for the initial 2 weeks is to just get back to the feel of the water. Do about 1200 -1700 yds 2-3/week. From there ramp it up build technique and form.

So I guess now it is time to drown myself.

ftp Test

Numbers Numbers. I like numbers , I live for numbers. And because I take my hobby as a hugely analytical exercise I love when I get new numbers.

So week 1 and day 2 , I am meant to do an FTP test. For me this is a bit of mixed bag. I don’t own a power tap yet (on the list of purchases). So till then I have to use heart-rate , perceived effort, and cadence at a specific gear as an estimate. Yeah I know after all that I would much rather have a power tap which tells me how many watts I am generating. Get a headache just getting a good ftp measure.
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vDot Test

I started out-season with EN in November. So part of the first week was we are meant to do vdot tests. VDOT is a number that is used in running using the Jack Daniels running formula. The idea is the higher the number the better runner you are. Also it allows you to relate paces over different distances. So if you can run a 5k in xx:xx time how fast can you run a 1/2 marathon or a marathon. The idea with vdot is that you can train more specifically to build your pace and then when it comes to racing you are able to execute better. Anyway I digress.
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Bad Bike Workout

Some days I just don’t feel like training. On a day when it is raining and cold outside, and you are burnt out mentally from work. Sitting on the bike doing repeats takes a different type of animal. a different person.
When all you want to do is grab a beer with friends. I had to suffer a 1hr 3×15 repeats on the trainer. by the 2nd set I was mentally and physically beat. did a half hearted cool-down and called it a day. now where is that beer

100 pushup challenge

Nemo at EN started the 100 pushup challenge. It is off-season all the triathletes are bored (has to be it). So to keep ourselves busy, we start various challenges. This one is pretty famous. The goal is simple do a 100 pushups in 1 go.

The website and the iphone app (yes there is an app for that) will build you towards the goal. You are meant to do it 3 times a week. First day is the test. I was able to do 14 in 1 go. Yes pretty dismal. The next day was 44 over 5 reps.

We will see where this goes.

Subversion case in-sensitive files

I have been using subversion for the last 5 years. It is pretty standard code repository tool. And I have started liking it better than cvs, mcvs , it still doesn’t match up to bitkeeper . But it does the job.

Well recently I just imported in 5000 files into our work svn. We were moving servers and had decided to move some specific files into the code repository. All worked really well. Until one of the developers alerted me to error “Can’t copy / ….. ‘ . Well intially I thought it was just bunch of corrupted svn files. As it turns out it isn’t . SVN can’t handle files with the same name, but with different case . I want to say “which world are these people from ??” Even windows now sees better times than this.

The issue as they explain is that since Windows (yeah blame it on Microsoft) doesn’t support case-sensitive files, therefore they can’t . Ok . Fine good enough.Except

1. If you can’t support case-sensitive files of the name, then don’t let me import or add them. Logic would say it is an error to Add that.

2. Change the error message !!.

3. I mean seriously the better fix is allow files of the same name but with case-sensitivity . If I am *nix then it should work. Doing an update from windows should give this as an error. So then the svn client deals with it.

So maybe #3 isn’t ideal but atleast do #1, #2