Days back, work , workswork

So after taking a couple of days off training. And do a full week of the scheduled workouts I got slammed by work. The whole of last week was spent getting projects up to date, writing code, reviewing code and projects. Finally using the extra holiday on presidents day a breather.

Now it is back to workswork. The little known endurance nation saying , referring to I need to start back up. Only 160days left. I have got to make every day count from here to the IM

Question this ?

Last week I had several ephinay moment about triathlons and racing. On a train ride back home as I was wondering that I consistently work 60+hr/weeks , I did the calculation of how many hours of training does the average triathlete do in a year.

So lets say you are doing an IM , you will hit at avg of 10-15 hr /week, peaking at maybe closer to 25hr a week. That is roughly 21-32 days of training in a year , not counting days/weeks off. Now roughly 1/3 of that time (possibly more) is spent on the bike, a average biker produces 250+ watts on the bike that is roughly 34.6 Megawatt(hrs) of power. That is enough power that a small biking club (15-20) people can power a small apt.

This year at the end of the year I am going to total up my figures of total of each sport and reflect on them.

All this almost makes me wonder if I didn’t do this what would I do with all the spare time I have. hmmm.

Days off and day back

So after feeling completely burnt out from training, taking a couple of days of . I was ready to hit the workouts again. Started early monday with a long swim. And now have an entire 15hrs of workouts planned for this week.

Somebody has to explain to me that if I do this for 15 hrs, what do normal people who don’t do this do for the 15hrs. Hmmm, whenever I don’t workout like the maniac triathlete I find you have a lot more hours in the day.

So now I just have to worry about hitting these workouts on the money keeping the intensity and focus up. Then in 1 week do a power test.

3 days off

So I am burnt. My mind is running in circles from thinking about work, about grad school, and then finally the IM. So my simple solution is that to take 3 days off from IM training. I am still in week 3/4 of the training, so the consensus seems to be that I won’t lose a lot of fitness.

So the end of my 3 days is tomorrow. So far it has been relaxing. I am always suprised how much free time I have when I am not training.

44 points

So the 8 days of endurnacenation run challenge are over. I ended up with 44 points. Not even close to being at the top. I was suprised at how much mileage people were putting in this early in th year. For me its been a slowdown since marathon training in the oct-nov. So this is the time of the year when I am putting in less than 30 miles a week. Continue reading “44 points”

Attack of the plant pots

So I was just told a dirty little secret. It seems that Rhian gets attacked by plant pots, and I mean they really jump out at her. They run after her.

The most recent one was on her 30 b-day , and while at a friends house the plant pot jumped out at her from behind the bushes as she was making her way towards the sink.

The step to democracy

Pakistan has claimed to be an independent, sovereign and democratic country for the last 60 + years. In my lifetime I have seen 2 different military rulers. In 4 years I have seen 5 different governments.

But recently I think this young country which is built at the center of an ancient culture took its first step towards true democracy. After a long drawn out process the supreme court finally rejected the NRO. And now old corruption cases against the government ministers and the president can no longer be dismissed. They have to answer to the same laws that every other citizen has to answer to. The interior minister , to whom all law enforcement reports to has to defend himself against criminal cases.

Now if we can deal with this issue legally, politically, socially with out riots or another military coup then we take a step towards democracy.