Ringing in 2013

A new julian calendar year and new beginning in different directions. Rhian and I decided that we would take it easy this new year, so no late night partying or anything — though I will have to remind myself when we last did that. We decided we would grab a nice dinner at Alexanders Steak House and then I would do the 10k run as part of brazen running.

New years eve started fairly lazily with us not having much to do since we had done all of the logistical stuff over the weekend. We went enjoyed a nice dinner at the steak house (separate post) . The actual ringing of midnight was on the bart ride back home. And then the next day ran a hard 10k

Sick and Asthama

So nearly after trip to D.C in flu season I manage to get sick. This time when going their to see sophia, I managed to get the worst sinus infection. Coming back Sunday I felt slightly sick. By monday and tuesday I was running a fever, had problem breathing , and had got a full on sinus infection. Went to the doc and found I has Asthama , allergies which had brought about a minor sinus infection to a raging infection.
Note to self don’t go to DC when family members are sick down there.