Sick and Asthama

So nearly after trip to D.C in flu season I manage to get sick. This time when going their to see sophia, I managed to get the worst sinus infection. Coming back Sunday I felt slightly sick. By monday and tuesday I was running a fever, had problem breathing , and had got a full on sinus infection. Went to the doc and found I has Asthama , allergies which had brought about a minor sinus infection to a raging infection.
Note to self don’t go to DC when family members are sick down there.

Kamil Talk

Its a wonder when a 4 year old is going to have a talk with about marriage, life. In my recent trip to DC to meet family my nephew all of 4 years old asked me some very pointed , direct questions. I think my answers remained correct, maybe cryptic at times, and dummied down for a 4 year old to understand. I think my older sister was responsible for this conversation.

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The day of questioning

So as days of training start to go by , you question your sanity. You question what you want to do, what you want to achieve out of 1 race. After a couple of hard days in a training week , your body starts to feel the wear and tear. You feel mentally burnt from work and the workouts, you feel physically tired, your muscles feel fatigued even after a rest, you search your inner self to find out if you have it in you to do the next workout. Is that what it takes ??

A lot of triathletes talk about paying your dues. Is this what I own to the gods IM.